If you're not sure you can make mixed media art,Ā this simple collage tutorial is for you!
Grab some scrap paper, paint, scissors, and glue. I'll show you how easy it is to create beautiful art using simple paint and collage techniques. You can even create your masterpiece on a scrap piece of cardboard!
LET'S COLLAGE TOGETHERMake your own mixed media tools with trash and household items
It's not only frugal but it's fun! Use basic household items and items you might have thrown in the trash to make your own art-making tools. HavingĀ your own tools like these helps what you make be totally unique!
WATCH AND LEARNGesso, Glue, Substrates, Mark Makers...
I'm laying it all out for you clearly and quickly. In just 10 minutes you will have all of the basic info you need to feel confident getting started with mixed media art.
I HAVE TEN MINUTES!For a quick project that requires just some scraps and some glue, give these Word Birds a try!
Making beautiful art doesn't have to cost a ton and doesn't need to be complicated. Let yourself get lost in the process of making your charming birdies and proudly enjoy seeing them sitting on your shelf.